Summer 2021: Top 15 Protective Styles for Your Summer Glow Up

Summer 2021: Top 15 Protective Styles for Your Summer Glow Up

With the official start of summer fast approaching this leaves many of us salivating at a chance to change things up for the 2021 summer. For many people, summer is the perfect time to adorn a protective style, express a different side of our personality, and enjoy the good times ahead without worrying about humidity. Typically during the summer, we tend to be more active and the more physically active you are, the more blood circulation you have. The more your blood circulates, this allows your body more opportunities to feed your hair follicles with the nutrients in your system. Summer is your best opportunity to get a boost in hair growth. In combination with a protective style, you could really see a noticeable increase in hair length. So what style do you choose? The choices are endless with everything from box braids, butterfly locs, and bobs to bangs, twist and hair jewels! The WH Shop has you covered so check out our Top 15 looks to give you that extra glow this summer.

1. Poetic Justice Styled Faux Locs


Samio Renelda on instagram with long retro styled braids in ponytail

 photo credit @samiorenelda


2. Two Tone Chunky Butterfly Locs

naturalbabepro on instgram with long faux locs

 photo credit @naturalbabepro


3. Chunky Large Section Braids

joyjah on instgram with chucky long twist

photo credit @joyjah


4. Long Box Braids with Shells

mousso_paris long box braids with shells

photo credit @mousso_paris 


5. Box Braid Bob with Bangs and Shells

naturalbabepro with box braids bob and shells

photo credit @naturalbabepro


6. Box Braid Bob with Beads and Shells

ronkeraji with box braid brown bob with beads and shells

photo credit @ronkeraji

7. Medium Box Braid Bob with Gold Jewels

Shantania Beckford on instgram with box braid bob
photo credit @shantaniabeckford
8. Butterfly Locs Bob with Highlights
wynnejean highlighted butterfly loc bob
photo credit @wynnejean

9. Short Cornrows with Box Braids and Beads
@chiepodeu and @miss.cameroon Short Cornrows with Box Braids and Beads

  photo credit @chiepodeu and @miss.cameroon


 10. Faux locs with Bangs

@africanjawn elegant Faux locs with Bangs for wedding

 10. photo credit @africanjawn


11. Knotless Braids 

@jadeeregeent with elegant Knotless Braids

 photo credit @jadeeregeent


 12. Bantu Knot Cornrows with Box Braids and Beads

Lellies Santiago cornrow and box braids with beads

photo credit @lelliessantiago


13. Butterfly Locs with Curly Ends 

glowprincesss with long faux locs with curly ends

photo credit @glowprincesss


14. Feedin Braids with Curls

khatbrim with cornrows with curls ends
photo credit @khatbrim

15. Passion Twist
@anicolec_ on instgram with passion twist
photo credit @anicolec_
The WH Wrap Up
The real trend is finding the right way to visually express the essence of your personality at any given moment; that's all hair styling is. Find a style that speaks to you and your hair will thank you for the much needed break later. Using the right products in conjunction with your protective styles is the dynamic hair growth duo that always wins. You might also enjoy Top 5 Products to Keep Your Edges and Scalp Happy This Summer
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